1. The purpose of schools is to prepare our new generation of learners to become the leaders of the future. The way that happens is with a sound and well rounded curriculum, exposing students to all sorts of experiences that can help them build as a person and as a student. The more positive experiences students have in an educational setting the higher the success rate of their academic and personal goals will be.
2. Faculty and staff in schools should be a major resource for all students. whether it be school related or not, most students find role models during their time in school. So it would be unproductive to have staff who were uninterested and unmotivated in student affairs. If students feel comfortable to express their feelings or concerns with a faculty member it is there responsibility to give that student support and advice. Building and maintaining these type of relationships between students and staff can dramatically decrease the amount of violence and bad decisions made by students..
3. Curriculum should be attacked from every angle, when thinking about multiple intelligences it is easy to see that everyone is different. This means that everyone will, learn, think, see, hear, and act differently according to how the perceive a situation. With this information we can now apply it to our curriculum, by having a diverse curriculum assessing different aspects of learning we can hope to see an increase in the education of our youth.
5. School leaders have a responsibility to all students, maintaining order as well as promoting learning and fun. If we do not have fun in the classrooms we can not expect students to be excited about learning, therefore they will not be engaged in the instruction and miss out on important concepts. Every teacher is a school leader regardless of what subject they teach, so it is up to the staff to unit and create an environment that is positive, instructional, and fun!
6. The ideal school includes, an equal emphasis on all subjects. If we want equality among races, gender, and religion we must first start with treating all educational subjects equally. You are not a "geek": if you love math or science class, or "boring" if you like history, or a "jock" if you enjoy physical education. When an emphasis is placed on equality among students it can cross over into other aspects of life, such as how we treat the differences that each of us have. We should be proud of our differences, they define who we are as a person, So starting by respecting all subjects, participating in all subjects, and learning about the differences will create a positive learning environments on more than just and educational level.
7. Parents and communities need to get involved as much as possible because education does not only start and stop at the school. Learning can happen anywhere so it is important that our communities are aware of what is going on in the school. By getting involved in after school programs, school board meetings, concert production, field trips, tutoring, and overall creating a positive environment for learning on any level the community can do its part in helping out our students. - Obviously activity is run off of money but i would like to think that we don't need to relay on it, but sadly we need facilities, we need staff, and we need students to actually attend them. So we need as much support from our communities and parents as possible, anyone can volunteer or donate money. It doesn't have to be much or a lot of time but any bit helps, and its not for us, its for our future generations and future leaders!
8. The major problems facing education today are budget cuts, every month school boards are assessing where they should be putting money into and sadly a lot of beneficial programs are being squashed and are forced to take a back seat while the "important" subjects are being fatted up. Like i said earlier we need equality across all subjects, yes i understand some subjects require more money than others but money doesn't mean anything if there isn't any learning occurring. So yes assessments should be made by the school board but they need to think of the students benefit before they think about what is going to look good in their district quarterly. Things can look as nice as they want but if there is no educational purpose there is no point to even waste my time looking.
9. What is physical education about? I could cover a vast majority of topics that range from personal and educational growth to an extensive knowledge of physical fitness and life long activities. Meaning, there is so much going into this one subject than can be explained in text, a physical experiences is necessary to understand what physical education is actually about. Throughout a students educational career they will be given the tools to succeed in the "real world" but to be honest they are always living in the "real world" so we must help them along the way. While implementing protocols at a young age students will be used to the way that they should behave while in a classroom setting. By doing a cooperative games unit, students learn how to trust and relay on others, this is a life skill as well as an educational one. I like to think as Physical Education more than just the fundamentals of locomotion, or being able to teach a student to throw a ball, through this educational processes students learn more about life and themselves tan i think in any other class. But yet districts still want to eliminate physical education because it isn't important? Something doesn't make sense here!
10. What does it mean to be "Physically Educated"? Being physical educated means that one is aware and conscious about the dangers and benefits of daily physical activity, furthermore this means that they apply that knowledge. Students are exposed to a large variety of life long physical fitness and physical activities while they are placed in their physical educational setting. We as educators believe that with all these exposures students can be physically competent in at least 6 activities while being proficient in at least 3, this gives the student 9 activities that they could choose from to get their daily physical activity. Its nice to have the knowledge but without actually applying it to ones life the knowledge is useless and therefore wasted.